luni, 24 noiembrie 2008

12. Future engine


The founding of the International Federation of Aeronautics, Austrian scientist Eugene Sanger, a pioneer of astronauticii, draws attention to the difficulties which will have to face humanity next decade, if "incapataneaza" to consider the missile as the only means to engage in the cosmos.
Over ten thousand artificial objects satelizate around the Earth have become reality before the technology, metallurgy, electronics and computers to be developed sufficiently.
Tiolkovski, Goddard, Oberth, Esnault - Pelterie and Pandray Intuit and others, dreamed and calculated can penetrate the outer space of machines and people, in conditions of comfort and safety.
At present it is seeking "solutions" of all kinds to replace clasicele rocket engines, rocket engines with electric ion, or plasma photonic which would provide space on flights lasting longer.
Ionic electric rocket engine is in the testing phase and is a brilliant idea of KB Tiolkovski, aimed at ensuring prolonged space flight, providing navigation in sandy areas.
Unlike the rocket engines known ionic electric rocket engine, is meant to be an electric propulsion system and not in a heat engine of power. This engine resolve some issues relating to insurance thermal resistance of engines and their annexes.
Ionic electric rocket engine is a particle accelerator, the acceleration is held under the action of an external electric field. Jetul response is a stream of charged particles and the power source is a source of power.
A rocket motor-powered ionic comprises: propergol 1 source of ions 2, the electric field of focus 3, the electric field to accelerate 4, electric field to neutralize 5, propelled accelerated 6, electric generator 7.
This engine has the disadvantage or the most important thing is to neutralize ions with electrons before their passage through the jet engine. If you can not do this, will elicit electron ions of atoms in the material which is made body and the engine will load its electric metal, there is potential danger that the electrical load of the body vessel to be so large that it can no longer be produced ejectarea continued to ions. Ion flow is stopped being attracted to the room acceleration and engine ceases operation. For it is necessary to accelerate electronic neutralizing ions.Ionic electric rocket engine gave up functional parameters using plasma Propellant of mercury vapor.
Rocket engine with electromagnetic plasma is built on the principle of using plasma, the fluid work, so hot plasma (100 000ƒC) is accelerated with the help of external magnetic fields.
This phenomenon can be obtained through various methods (relaxation thermodynamics, electromagnetic fields and electric fields) of a plasma ejectare according to which may be electrotermice, electromagnetic and electrical.
Rocket engine with electromagnetic plasma consists of: plasma generator 1, anode 2, negative 3 source of electric 4, anode chamber to speed 5, cathode chamber to speed generator 6, the direction of electric field 7, magnetic field 8, propergol 9 nozzle 10.
Rocket engine with electromagnetic plasma has a high specific impulse, the strength of traction and reduced long period of operation. A dejavantaj is the need to protect the crew against harmful radiation. To do this required complicated technical measures.
The engine is based on photonic use as a reactive jet radiation light (photon) for the propulsion of a space ship.
We know that fotonii moving with enormous velocity (speed of light) is aiming to achieve flows of particles that pass through the nozzle with the speed of 300 000 km / s.
Theoretically, such ships would provide the movement with close to the speed of light, which would allow them to travel to other solar systems in the universe.
The propulsion system remains just an idea, because the materials do not meet the requirements of the energy system. Such photonic ship must have a huge mirror which to issue a strong photon flux.
The transmission is double, a bunch of accelerated particles (electrons, protons for example) and a bunch of antiparticule accelerated (pozitrona or negative proton).
These two parts are united by the huge mirror in the outbreak or where it will be a reaction to annihilation (the collision) and obtain very high photon energy. The mirror will reflect the photon flux, making it appear traction force.
There are other challenges. By partial photon absorption by the selector lamp would lead to strong heating of the parties concerned and their volatizarea. Obtaining and storing antiparticulelor require special equipment and materials, antiparticulele in contact with material that would be built tank that would disintegrate.
It is proposed notion of the containers in which to carry out intense electromagnetic fields to maintain these antiparticule away from the vessel walls, but also the achievement of such containers is a problem for the future.
If you want to travel the universe in a long time to accept and other "solutions" than those known to us now.
For a space flight that would take between 2 and 5 years, primarily to replace existing engines capable missile with others to win with minimal consumption of energy planetary gravitational attraction or other planets, to achieve much higher speeds and can absorb and use energy particle environment that we cross the jet propulsion.
Secondly, you have to do much larger vessels to enable a personal check numbers, equipment, materials and supplies sufficient for such trips. The existence on board the huge vessel of Hangars or shelter spaces of ships smaller in size that can pick up one or two persons for various space or planetary research.
Starting from the principle of operation of the ship propulsion makes trying to shape a "giant ship propulsion with Quantum, which would be another means to engage in outer space. The space vehicle would be more effective and more economical than any other means of transport spatial known aircraft or missile.
With giant ship propulsion makes is composed of: body or two and propulsion mechanisms routing mechanism and the mechanism of quantum auxiliary propulsion or linear particle accelerator for multiple giant.
Hull 1 is composed of an outer wrapper of cylindrical shape and the interior.
Within the interior consists of: space protection elicelor 2, provided with protective panels 3, and the movement for protection panels to closures or openings space protection is with the help of two electric motors 4, two propellers 5, the engine for putting into operation the propeller 6, the mechanism of transmission 7 and electric motor 8 lifting or bus propeller engine with a propeller action, entry and exit of the ship is at the back door of the ship by 9 nuclear generator fototermoelectric 10 , Useful space 11, panel horizontal separation 12, propulsion mechanism quantum particle accelerator or multiple linear giant, composed of horizontal lateral quantum generators 13 (show down mechanism quantum propulsion), Quantum generatorii horizontal front 14 generators quantum vertical 15 , Crosses quantum 16, join Quantum 17, ajutajele mechanism 18; spaces protection feet landing 19, train landing comprise eight feet landing 20, lifting the bus or foot landing is made with electric motors to operate 21 each a transmission mechanism 22, consists of a spiral gear rack.
We know that two helicopters have elicii for handling and routing, a port located above the propeller and a helicopter propeller anticuplu located in the tail helicopter. If the helicopter had only a propeller above portanta at a time, the helicopter would rotate with elicea.
Auxiliary mechanism is composed of two propeller triggered by a electric motor. These electric motors are higher or lower depending on needs, with all the propeller, a transmission mechanism consists of a spiral gear rack which is composed of a wheel and a bar dintata (rack). Idler is triggered by an electric motor with a chain and act rack is mounted on the body electric motor drive the propeller, up or down with engine elicea.
The auxiliary mechanism is intended to help quantum propulsion mechanism in the direction and orientation of the ship in the earth's atmosphere, where the energy of atmospheric particles is smaller in comparison with energy particles from outside the earth's atmosphere, where energy particles is extremely high. Besides the earth's atmosphere moving ship is only using quantum mechanism of propulsion and auxiliary machinery is removed from office and entered in the two areas of protection which protects the two propellers to strike is not the meteors and other small bodies which are in outer space and could damage the mechanism.
The mechanism of quantum propulsion or linear particle accelerator for multiple giant is composed of 20 horizontal lateral quantum generators (13), 18 generators makes horizontal front (14), 30 generators quantum vertical (15) (are set down the inside of the vessel with giant propulsion quantum), 15 crosses quantum (16), 15 Cuple quantum (17) (see plansa the interior) and 31 nozzle (18). Everyone makes generatorii are tied to each other through quantum Cross and quantum Cuple that the acceleration of energy from one generator to another quantum. Quantum vertical generators are seated on two layers and connected to each other through Cuple quantum. The mechanism of quantum propulsion finish outside the ship ajutajele mechanism.
To meet, if necessary, ship movement in any direction the whole system of quantum propulsion mechanism is provided with 68 general switch that can get a variety of systems with a bare atomic polaritatile electromagnetic positive and negative S N.
By amendment polaritatilor electromagnetic positive and negative S N and intensity of these systems to atomic bare, and changing the direction of movement of the ship in any direction, back, before climbing trip and vertical movement in various angles, instant starts and stops, planar and stationary.
The vertical displacement is as follows:
Put into operation elicele auxiliary mechanism which is spinning in a reverse from the other. On the positive electromagnetic polaritatea S of the 16 generators are horizontal quantum particle atmospheric absorption, rotting in their basic atomic particles and subatomice free, particle acceleration, plasma formation and nuclear fusion, leading to the formation of new structures and a quantity of atomic energy which are issued by electromagnetic polaritatea negative N in connection where the star is the second acclerare of these particles under the principle of operation of linear acceleratoarelor particles, the particles shift from negative polaritatea electromagnetic N to polaritatea electromagnetic positive S.
All these atoms accompanied by their energy, are absorbed by the electromagnetic and positive polaritatea of the 15 generators of quantum vertical first layer, where decomposition takes place in their basic atomic particles and subatomice free, particle acceleration, plasma formation and fusion that leads to formation of other types of particles and energy of a liberal reaction after the merger that are issued by electromagnetic polaritatea negative N in quantum cuplele where is the other acceleration of these particles in particle passage from polaritatea electromagnetic N to negative and positive electromagnetic polaritatea .
All these particles are accompanied by energy absorbed by the electromagnetic and positive polaritatea of the second level of vertical quantum generators in number 15 where is decay in their basic atomic particles and subatomice free, particle acceleration, plasma formation and fusion that leading to the formation of other types of particles and energy of a liberal reaction after the merger, which is issued by electromagnetic polaritatea negative N in the atmosphere alcatuind jetul reaction consists of a stream quintiles of beta radiation, alpha and gamma, which helps propulsion of the vessel regardless of the environment crossed.
The particles that have an excess of tasks negative (negative ions and electrons) will build beta radiation, particles which have an excess of positive tasks (pozitrona, protons and positive ions) will be alpha radiation and particles that do not have electrical load (neutrini, photon nuclear and neutrons) will form radiation range.
Horizontal movement is like this.
First is out of operation elicele external rotation and in lacasurile withdraw their protection and close protection panels. With the rise of land train, consisting of 8 feet from landing in lacasurile their protection.
It is out of function generators and vertical quantum change polaritatea electromagnetic and positive and negative atomic N systems of the generators makes horizontal.
Thus, in the direction of travel on the electromagnetic polaritatea and positive to the 3 generators are horizontal quantum particle atmospheric absorption, where decomposition takes place in their basic atomic particles and subatomice free, particle acceleration, plasma formation and fusion leading to the formation of other atomic structures that are in place and a release of energy to their training.
These particles and their energy is emitted by electromagnetic polaritatea negative N in the first star about where they are accelerated for the second time.
Still they are absorbed by polaritatea electromagnetic and positive of the three generators horizontal quantum of the second level. Inside them are in their breakdown basic atomic particles and subatomice free, particle acceleration, plasma formation and fusion where the particles new result that emit energy in their training, all these are issued by electromagnetic polaritatea in a negative N two star about where they are accelerated for the fourth time.
These particles are accompanied by energy absorbed by polaritatea electromagnetic and positive of the three generators quantum horizontally from the third level. Inside them are in their breakdown basic atomic particles and subatomice free, particle acceleration, plasma formation and fusion of other particles which give new energy to liberate them from training, all these being issued by electromagnetic polaritatea negative in N Three star about where they are accelerated for a sixth time.
Particles stay in this connection are accompanied by energy absorbed by polaritatea electromagnetic and positive of the three generators quantum of the fourth horizontal level. Inside them are in their breakdown basic atomic particles and subatomice free, particle acceleration, plasma formation and fusion where results and other atomic energy that emit from their training, all these are issued by electromagnetic polaritatea negative in N Four star about where they are accelerated for the eighth time.
Accelerated particles, accompanied by energy are absorbed by polaritatea electromagnetic and positive of the three generators makes horizontal level of crime. Inside them are in their breakdown basic atomic particles and subatomice free, particle acceleration, plasma formation and fusion of atomic structures which give us energy that emit from their training, all these being issued by electromagnetic polaritatea negative in N Five star about where they are accelerated for the tenth time.
All these accelerated particles are accompanied by energy absorbed by polaritatea electromagnetic and positive of the three generators of horizontal quantum of the sixth level. In the bare atomic systems is a breakdown in their basic atomic particles and subatomice free, particle acceleration, plasma formation and fusion of atomic structures which give us energy that emit from their training, all these being issued by electromagnetic polaritatea N in negative atmosphere alcatuind jetul reaction, consisting of radiation a, b and g.
Because atomic systems that communicate with each other to make a strong electromagnetic field interference, light and heat by adjusting intensity and polaritatilor electromagnetic these atomic systems.
The effect of "corona" on the giant ship propulsion Quantum represents, as well as in ship propulsion with Quantum, spectral light emission of electro-magnetic waves.
The effect of "corona" would cancel friction hull of atmospheric particles, also would cancel the attraction and planetary gravity of the vessel and the people of the ship.
Quantum propulsion mechanism would create a vessel in the artificial gravitational electromagnetic field, which would lead to the cancellation of a state of weightlessness.
It was found that if the man stays long time in weightlessness in outer space is a disorder of the stability of calcium in the body. It is known that the main deposit calcium in the body is the bone, which is in proportion to 8% from other mineral substances.
It also normally be found in blood plasma in quantity of 10 mg%. Takes place in neuromuscular activity. If the amount of calcium in the blood falls below normal, occurring phenomena of Tetanus. Also, more activity takes place in the hearts and blood clotting. Calcium is in greater quantity in the bottom of the body, usually on Earth and in space flight is the human body in weightlessness and then a part of the quantity of calcium from foot climb to the top, to the head.
On returning from outer space man, the human body back in phase adjustment amount of calcium that adjustment takes even a few days. This disorder settlement of calcium in the body does not create side effects of the body, resulting normal work space.
Activity space on the giant ship propulsion makes it perform like the earth, the flight in outer space or landing, planetary gravitational field would not influence household or people who are on board.
Landing ship on the ground is like this.
Open the two panels to protect the auxiliary mechanism, then get out of the auxiliary mechanism and put into operation two elicii to facilitate handling and routing of the ship to land.
Changing polaritatile electromagnetic systems of atomic bare vertical, so that on the positive electromagnetic polaritatea S of the 15 generators are vertical makes particulelor atmospheric absorption, rotting in their basic atomic particles and subatomice free, particle acceleration, plasma formation and fusion , Leading to the formation of new atomic structure and a quantity of energy that are emitted by electromagnetic polaritatea negative N in quantum cuplele where is the second acceleration of these particles under the principle of operation of linear acceleratoarelor particles, the particles shift from polaritatea Electromagnetic negative N to polaritatea electromagnetic positive S.
All these atoms accompanied by their energy, are absorbed by the electromagnetic and positive polaritatea of the 15 generators of quantum vertical second layer where decomposition takes place in their basic atomic particles and subatomice free, particle acceleration, plasma formation and fusion that leads to formation of other types of particles and energy of a liberal reaction after the merger that are issued by electromagnetic polaritatea negative N in quantum where the crosses are a different acceleration of these particles in particle passage from polaritatea electromagnetic N to negative and positive electromagnetic polaritatea .
All these particles are accompanied by energy absorbed by the electromagnetic and positive polaritatea a horizontal quantum generators in number 38 where is decay in their basic atomic particles and subatomice free, particle acceleration, plasma formation and fusion that leads to the formation of other types of particles and a free energy after the fusion reaction that is issued by electromagnetic polaritatea negative N in the atmosphere alcatuind jetul reaction consists of a stream quintiles of beta radiation, alpha and gamma, creating in some outside the ship side wings particulate which help to line the landing of the ship.
With the ship near the ground planetary change again polaritatile electromagnetic systems of atomic bare horizontal, so that on the positive electromagnetic polaritatea S of the 16 generators are horizontal quantum particle atmospheric absorption, rotting in their basic atomic particles and subatomice free particle acceleration, plasma formation and nuclear fusion, leading to the formation of new atomic structure and a quantity of energy that are emitted by electromagnetic polaritatea negative N in connection where the star is the second acceleration of these particles under the principle of operation of acceleratoarelor Particulate linear, the passage of particles of electromagnetic polaritatea negative N to polaritatea electromagnetic positive S.
All these atoms accompanied by their energy, are absorbed by the electromagnetic and positive polaritatea of the 15 generators in the first quantum vertical layer where decomposition takes place in their basic atomic particles and subatomice free, particle acceleration, plasma formation and fusion that leads to the formation other types of particles and energy of a liberal reaction after the merger that are issued by electromagnetic polaritatea negative N in quantum cuplele where is the other acceleration of these particles in particle shift from negative polaritatea electromagnetic N to polaritatea electromagnetic positive S.
All these particles are accompanied by energy absorbed by the electromagnetic and positive polaritatea of the second layer of vertical quantum generators in number 15 where is decay in their basic atomic particles and subatomice free, particle acceleration, plasma formation and fusion that leading to the formation of other types of particles and energy of a liberal reaction after the merger, which is issued by electromagnetic polaritatea negative N in the atmosphere alcatuind jetul reaction consists of a stream quintiles of beta radiation, alpha and gamma, which helps landing ship line by decreasing intensity quantum propulsion mechanism.
Once the soil near the planet to get eight feet of the landing train landing of the space their protection, and the landing ship ground is landing on the train.
Shortly after the magazine SHOP No. 479 of 27 July 2000 relates that LIGHT IS FASTER THAN LIGHT.
A team of American researchers made up of LJ Wang, A. Kuznich and a novel Arthur Dogariu have done an experiment (mentioned by the magazine Nature) that have succeeded with a bunch laser passing through a substance in the negative to obtain vid a speed 300 times greater than the speed of light.
Negative substance is a substance composed only of negative ions and electrons, a phenomenon achieved numai in electronic tubes vidate inside, and crosses the laser beam in vacuum this stream of electrons with the speed mentioned.
This experiment demonstrates once again that in addition, a ship that has a quantum system or mechanism of propulsion able to absorb, generate and issue any kind of electromagnetic radiation can move with the speed of light or even higher.
In the current energy crisis advantage of this mechanism quantum propulsion and navigation for maneuvers in the intense gravitational field planetary and outside the earth's atmosphere is obvious.