In the case uses generators quantic for a quantum propulsion mechanism and obtaining the necessary energy to move a vessel in the planetary gravitational field or off it, it is necessary to increase energy issued by the quantum generator.
Energy particle is absorbed in quantum generator is limited due to inability to maintain growth and a high-voltage, the higher values.
This limitation can be addressed from the idea of particle acceleration in acceleratoarele particles, with several successive steps.
If the stairs successive action acceleration is ordinate properly, has the effect of summing up and increase kinetic energy of particles accelerated to reach very high values.
In linear particle accelerator of basic atomic particles are accelerated in successive steps, in a tub of acceleration. They take a series of electrodes tubulari which are alternately in connection with the two poles of a high frequency generator.
Speeding is only in the intervals between electrodes tubulari where the particles are rejected at a time well established, a tubular electrode and are attracted to the tubular electrode next.
While particle passes through the tube A voltage increase from the maximum negative value to the maximum positive value. When leaving the tube A particle that is positive and tube B is negative. After particle has come tube B, it has become positive, while C tube that is connected with A in the meantime has become negative again and so on. Cat walk, speed particles become more than a tube to the next, electrodes have become increasingly long distance to the end of the acceleration. Because the total length does not exceed certain limits, are necessary with the highest frequencies (where decimetrice).
With linear particle accelerator shown in the picture tube is the acceleration of 13 m in length, producing 40 MeV protons.
In the case of solenoidului quartz particle acceleration takes place inside it.
The operating principle and structure of this linear particle accelerator help us understand more easily the phenomena that this will continue.
Following the phenomenon of particle acceleration in linear particle accelerator, we could use solenoidul of quartz that comes into the quantum generator, instead of electrodes tubulari to form a linear particle accelerator using multiple solenoide more of quartz.
Thus, we have two kinds of particle acceleration:
- An acceleration of particles inside the quartz solenoidului room acceleration;
- An acceleration of particles that occurs between the interval between two solenoide of quartz particles which are rejected by electromagnetic negative N polaritatea a solenoid of quartz and attracted by the electromagnetic and positive polaritatea a solenoid of Quartz next.
Starting from those outlined above can build a linear particle accelerator which can be multiple consists of four (or more) of quartz solenoids, sell their rooms to speed with polaritatile electromagnetic positive and negative S N T tube connection and source Matters: particles of air, water and cosmic particles.
Once put into operation linear particle accelerator for multiple it absorbs atmospheric particles (water or space) on the electromagnetic polaritatea and positive in the first solenoid of quartz acceleration in the room (or a bare atomic system), where decomposition takes place sabstantei particle Elementary and atomic subatomice free, accelerating particles (I), the formation of plasma and nuclear fusion.
November particles obtained by the fusion with the energy they emit from their training, are issued by electromagnetic polaritatea "negative N, in the tube connection.
These particles are accelerated a second time (II), operating under the principle of linear accelerator particles, particle velocity increases, the passage of the electromagnetic polarity "negative to the positive N S.
The particles absorbed by the electromagnetic and positive polaritatea of the second solenoid of Quartz room acceleration is the second trial of sabstantei breakdown in basic atomic particles and subatomice free and a third acceleration of particles (III), the formation of plasma and fusion nuclear.
The particles obtained from a second nuclear fusion energy with free training to these particles are emitted by electromagnetic polarity negative N in connection tube, where they accelerated the fourth time (IV) in their passage through this tube from electromagnetic negative polarity N on the positive S.
All these particles absorbed by polarity electromagnetic and positive of the third solenoid of Quartz room acceleration, which is the third trial of sabstantei breakdown in basic atomic particles and subatomice free and fifth acceleration of particles (V), training plasma and fusion.
The particles obtained from a third nuclear fusion energy with free training to these particles are emitted by electromagnetic polarity negative N in connection tube, where they accelerate the sixth time (VI), in their passage through the polarity of electromagnetic "negative N on the positive S.
These particles are absorbed by polarity electromagnetic and positive of the fourth solenoid of Quartz room acceleration, which is the fourth process of decomposition of sabstance in basic atomic particles and subatomice free and seventh acceleration of particles (VII), training plasma and fusion.
The particles obtained from the fourth nuclear fusion energy with free, to the formation of these particles are emitted by electromagnetic polarity "negative N in the atmosphere, energy that could be used for propulsion of a ship, the heating water in a power that uses steam for the operation of electric generators that provide electricity or heating water in a central heating boiler of a block, etc..
In the case of linear particle accelerator equipped with multiple solenoids made of quartz that uses energy particles in the environment would not be necessary for construction to the following components known:
Source ion producing particles to be accelerated
vidare-system inside the chamber to speed, because the room is accelerating in direct contact with the particles come where you need to accelerate
Target and the particle detector, because particles and energy issued by the accelerating particles are emitted directly into the atmosphere and are used as a jet propulsion to move a ship or in other areas of strict necessity.
You can see that there is a difference between a particle accelerator known linear particle accelerator that multiple is characterized by the absence of basic technical components listed above, which reduce the gauge, or by replacing metallic conductor, a metallic cores or tubulari simple metallic electrodes with solenoids of Quartz, where material is absorbed, accelerated, turned and issued to potential much higher.
In accelerator particule multiple linear particle acceleration occurs in both chambers of the acceleration, as well as to outside their passage to accelerate particles to electromagnetic polarity and positive bedroom of an acceleration towards polarity electromagnetic negative N the next room to accelerate.
Still to power a large quantum of propulsion mechanism is necessary to use the principle of operation of accelerator particulate linear which shows that, by summing up the stairs successive acceleration kinetic energy of the particles will reach high values.
Using this principle could open the kinetic energy of particles using more "quantum generators.
Then they should be arranged in a sequence of 2, 3 or more "quantum generators, and the particles that pass through these steps to accelerate the increase kinetic energy.